Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - A Quick Review

So, with 6 more hours to the end of the year, there's still time to do a quick review. So here goes:

Looking back, 2010 for me was split into two halves. The first half is about me trying to save myself from being booted out of my MSc course (and I succeeded, phew!). The second half was more complicated as it is not only just about me keeping the momentum of the first half, but also about me handling a few other situations - some good, some bad, and all of them I will not mention it here (well, maybe not now, at least).

The first half of 2010 was like so far away that it feels like it happened last year in 2009; on the other hand, the second half seems like it's not about to end with the year, even though many things had already come to a conclusion. I guess that's just the way things are: a year usually begins by carrying forward whatever is left over from the previous year, and will only really starts after a couple of months into it (at least).

But well, I am not complaining. Overall, a lot of things had happened in 2010, and a lot of things had been achieved. There are simply too many to name here, but they are mostly good, and seldom bad. All of them come together to lay out a good 2011 ahead.

And I just can't wait for the new year to start.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010


During term time, when time is really tight, I can keep my momentum and keep everything going.

However, during the semester break, I will just slow down and be more relax.

Of course this is understandable, but it is not a nice case. Because I still need to work, and there are many things for me to catch up.

So the end result of being more relaxed -or, in other words, losing my momentum- is that my work will become a bit disorganized and I won't be as productive (at least I think so) as compared to term time. Then it will take a while for things at work to be back to order again. This has been the pattern for the last couple of years.

As for the things that I needed to catch up, some of them had been bothering me for quite a while and I really wish to get them off my back as soon as possible. The backlog at work is one example. It has been dragging on for much too long. Seriously, I will be much happier if I can clear them off ASAP (and it's not something I can just sweep it away and pretend they don't exist...)

However, at the rate I am going, I doubt I can even clear a significant portion of it before the start of the new semester.

I badly need to switch on that term-time mode again and get back into momentum...


Monday, December 06, 2010

As Usual...

(Hmm.... it's been half a year since my last post, maybe I should write something...)

OK, so it's been 6 months since my last post, and what had I been up to?

Nothing unusual really

So another semester of my MSc course had come to an end. The exam was over about a couple of weeks ago. Think I did ok and the only thing that bothered me about it was that whether I wrote down my matric number (instead of my email id) on my answer booklet. But oh well, my time and energy are too expensive to worry about such trivial matter, I will know when the result is out in a few weeks time.

Then for other things that had happened in the past 6 months, I am simply too lazy to mention them now - I can't possibly summarize everything in one entry anyway.

However, what I will say is, currently I am on semester break and as usual, there are a list of things that I planned to get done or catch up with. With a lot of discipline and a bit of luck, I think I will be able to accomplished everything on the list.

Already, I am running out of time -again.