Monday, May 25, 2009

Been a Long Time.....

It is entirely possible, that some of you are wondering why had not I been blogging for almost 5 months?

Especially since I was supposed to write about 3 weddings.

Especially since I still have the final installment of my Epic trilogy to complete.

The answer is, I had been busy.

Busy with work. Busy with studies (yep, I am studying now... part time).

Busy with life.

Blogging can wait while life goes on. And on. And on. And on.....

And then I had also been lazy.

While every now and then I can spare some time here and there, I was just too lazy to blog.

Or simply too tired.

I don't know. But now since life had kinda resume back to some old pattern, maybe I can get back to some regular blogging.

Or something like that.

I hope.
