Monday, March 24, 2008

This Is So Cute......

I plucked this photo from an article on Yahoo! Singapore. Yes, even dogs know how to pray......


Friday, March 14, 2008

So Unhappy...

Today marks the end of a far-from-good week at work.

I am so unhappy, and everything can be trace to this great pile-up of reactions that started more than two weeks ago.

I called it a pile-up when I'm running so many reactions in such a short time that I'm lagging behind in everything and things just starts to fall apart.

It's a long story how I even came to this state, but the end-situation is that the backlog of work includes lagging 20-reactions behind in lab notebook recording, at least 5 reactions on hold (some for more than 2 weeks, which is an eternity by lab-time) and, most important of all, the huge amount of glassware laying around inside my fumehood due to the all the uncompleted reactions.

All the above are already making me crawl under my skin. But then, my boss, Z, had to come and comment on how messy my fumehood is and how it reflects one's personality.

Yes, my boss, the one who gave me so much reactions and the one who knows why I am piling up so much stuff in my fumehood at the moment, decided that this week, when my fumehood is so unusually messy, is the perfect time to judge my personality based on my fumehood. If there is anything I hate more about people judging people, it is people wrongly judging people based on unfair situation. This is totally unfair.

Then couple with some other frustrating situation, a rush of blood shot through my head and I decided to let off a bit of steam in a very public way. There wasn't any screaming, shouting and nobody was hurt (physically, at least). It wasn't over-the-top, but it's enough to upset quite a few of the colleagues. So now I am paying the price for it. I deserve it, so it's ok. It's never a good thing to show anger. I should had known better.

Then you all might ask, why don't I confront Z instead? Well, I could. He's not even a quarter as scary as K (my boss in Basel) and I stared back at him before. I'm quite sure I can chew off his head if I really want to. But it serve no purpose. He's the boss anyway, and more importantly, he's knowledgeable and I am ignorance. There is still a lot I can learn from him. There is also a better time and/or a better way to get back at him. There always is.

So anyway, before I get anymore dark and evil, the reactions are coming in slower (partly due to Z now believing that it's better to slow down a bit), and so there'll be some time next week for me to clear the backlog, although it might take a few extra hours at work. But it's fine, as long as I get them off my back, I'm happy.

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