As a self-diagnosed megalomaniac, occasionally I will visit the website of various overseas universities to satisfy my fantasy of studying abroad.
Yes, I know to some of you out there, I did mention about studying abroad. However, there are two reason that I am staying put in Sg: the EDB bond and, more importantly, family responsibility. (So, yes, Andrew, I know you were not blaming me that time. I dun feel that way at all. Instead, I was feeling pity. For myself, of cos)
So anyway, I was going through a couple of universities in Canada, the first of which being the University of Victoria. What I really like about their graduate admission section is that they have this
webpage which list the minimum requirements from other countries. So under Singapore, it reads: upper 2nd class on Bachelor.
So ok, I thought, I don't qualify. Then I noticed, just above the requirements for Singapore, it reads: Sierra Leone - upper 2nd class on Bachelor; just below the requirements for Singapore, it reads: South Africa - upper 2nd class on Bachelor.
Then when I scanned further, I found that other countries that have minimum requirement of 'upper 2nd class on Bachelor' includes: UK, Australia, Uganda and Zimbabwe, just to name a few.
When I popped over to the website for the University of British Columbia, the
minimum academic requirements (scroll all the way down) there for overseas degrees are similar to University of Victoria.
So all these led me to 2 possibilities, either 1) an UK degree, a Singapore degree, a Zimbabwe degree, etc are all of the same standard, or 2) they are not the same, which means the University applies different minimum requirement standard to degrees from different countries.
So, to end this post, I could just say I might as well try my luck and apply anyway. However, since this is my blog, I'm gonna end by sprouting the nonsense that if I know about this minimum requirements thing long ago, I would had been better off taking my degree in Sierra Leone or Zimbabwe instead of NUS.
Labels: Rambling, 疯癫一世