Sem 5, Week 10: Relaxed...
Ok, so the 10th week of the semester is just over. Things seems to be picking up, and I am feeling a bit more relaxed.
In the beginning of the week, I decided I should function in a higher energy and be more pro-active in approaching matters (like I had always been, but seems to lost it recently). Somehow it works. Throughout the week I maintain a fast pace at work and in school. Work gets done, things started moving and momentum started to build up again. The feeling of being unsettle slowly wore off, and I can say I am 80% back to normal.
Then what about the 20%? That 20% wasn't achieve yet because I don't think I am focus enough yet. I need to concentrate more. I need to be more disciplined in getting everything done. There's still small pockets of time here and there that I just slacked off or became un-focus. If I can dispel that, I will be back 100%.
The semester is coming to a close and exams is just about a month away. This week, 3 things is going to happen: the lit report for Contemporary Organometallic Chemistry will be due, presentation slides for Graduate Organic Chemistry will have to be submitted and Quiz 2 for Graduate Organic Chemistry will be held this Friday. I was suppose to complete the report and slides over the weekend, and start revising for the Quiz. So far, I have only come up with the draft for the slides.
Then there's still the disturbing fact that I crash my CA1 for Advanced Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. So why am I feeling relaxed? I don't really know. Maybe it's the realization that the semester are heading to an end, and the stressful mid-term is over; maybe is the satisfaction that things are picking up once again, and I am once again feeling confident. I am really not sure.
But one thing I do know is that, it had been an OK week and I should keep the momentum going to make this week a good week. So, time to get back to work.
Labels: MSc