3 Weddings
Over the period of 3 weekends - from late November to early December - I attended three weddings. One of them was my sister's wedding, another was my ex-classmate's wedding and the third one was my friend's.
So did I have any after thoughts and gathered any experience? Of course I did, or else I would not be writing this entry, would I?
However, to squeeze everything into one entry will not do as each wedding is special. Also, the thoughts and experience gathered from each wedding are also unique and different (ok, some of them are the same, but people who know me know how much I like to repeat myself again and again and again...).
Therefore, what I will do is that I will (try to) write a three part series about these weddings. Each part will be about one of the weddings (duh...). So stay tune.
(At this point, some of you might ask: then what is the point of writing this bit? Well, just to add something new and update my blog. How about that?)
Labels: 3 weddings, Everything else