(Note: The title if the post is in Chinese cos I dun wanna be bothered with the differentiation of a turtle, a tortise and a terrapin. 乌龟 is more straight-forward and encompassing. For convienence sake, I shall use "turtle" for the rest of the post. Anyway, let's go...)
The Malayan Box Turtle ( Cuora amboinensis ) is something that I want since young. When I was a kid, I always see it in the school's pond or temples, but jus couldn't find it on sale in any fish shop, or anywhere for that matter. Except for once at a wet market in Chinatown, at a stall that was also selling snakeheads, softshell turtles and brown rabbits. So maybe those turtles were sold for comsumption...
So anyway, AVA had approved the sale of this species of turtle, but apparently there aren't many pet shop selling it. Kinda expected given the conditions being slapped on the importer and pet shop for the sale of it. Maybe by the time I am back in Sg, more pet shop will be selling this species, but if not, most likely a trip down Pasir Ris Drive 12 will do the trick.
The pig-nosed turtle ( Carettochelys insculpta ) is another type of turtle that I am interested, though not as much the Malayan Box Turtle. Wat I like about this species is that it resembles a sea turtle, and that it can grow quite big:

Even better, maybe I will get a pond. Then that way, I can keep a couple or more full grown pig-noses. I can even keep both box turtle and pig-nose. So wat I need to do is to get a house - a semi-D or something - with a front yard (or a back yard, doesn't matter) and dig a pond in the yard. Sounds nice. Sounds like I'm dreaming.
Then again, dreams do come true. If I work really hard and earn those money, and together with some luck, who knows?